Done with the Rust Belt Ramble, it was time to get to my hotel room for the night. Since Buffalo is close to Niagara Falls, that was my choice for the evening.
The plan was to pay the Falls a visit at night, return the next day for more sightseeing and photography, then head home.
After I had a late dinner, I drove over to the state park and the area around the Falls to get an idea where to park. I’d then head back to the hotel, get the camera gear ready, then head back.
The weather had other plans. On my way back to the Falls, it started raining lightly. And it only got worse. I turned around and went back to the hotel.
The following morning looked as though it had rained steadily all night with no signs of letting up, so I bailed from the hotel early and headed home. I didn’t get into sunshine until reaching Pennsylvania on I-80. The good thing is, I got home at a decent hour, before rush hour started.
Future Plans?
There are two more rallies left this year–the Fall Fail-iage Tour (Boston/Albany/Burlington/Boston) at the end of September, and the Great River Road Rally in November (following the Mississippi River from New Orleans to St. Paul, spread across five days). As I need to go back out west to recharge (“the mountains are calling”), I’m not sure if I can afford to do another rally.
And as much fun as a rally is, it is also very tiring, especially when doing a rally solo. A trip where I can take things in at my own pace might be a welcome change.
But, we’ll see. The Civic is running better than ever, and I need to do a redemption tour and get that car out on the road on a Lemons Rally. Even rallymaster Jeff says to “bring the Civic next time.” Unless I get the dead CR-V running again, and get the cojones to drive it outside the neighborhood, the Civic will be the next rally car.
Concours d’Lemons
I plan on attending the Concours d’Lemons on September 17th at Comerica Park in Detroit as a spectator. If I get the ancient CR-V revived, I might enter it, just to be a pain in the ass. 😁 The Radwood car show is also happening that same day (both are presented by Hagerty Insurance), so there will be much to see. I’ll get photos of the better stuff and if I participate, I’ll have to see how much I can bribe the Head Gasket to gain points in my favor.